Curriculum based Activities
STEAM activites that align directly to the British Columbia curriculum. Achieve curriculum goals for Kindergarten to Grade 6 while having fun!

Curriculum Aligned
Each box comes with 5 or more hands-on activities focused on curriculum concepts.

Everything You Need
Includes fully illustrated instructions and all the materials you need.

Kindergarten - Grade 3
Explore states of matter, and learn how we use different materials. Watch the reaction between baking soda and vinegar, learn how air takes up space, make water travel through paper, and more!
Small Box - $40
Large Box - $80
Size selection available in cart.
Ships in 2-3 weeks.
Forces & Energy
Explore light, sound, magnetism and learn how different foreces interact with each other. Watch a balloon make a boat move, learn how a solar oven works, make magnets float, and more!
Small Box - $40
Large Box - $80
Size selection available in cart.
Ships in 2-3 weeks.
Earth & Space
Explore the Earth, sun and moon. Learn about the seasons and how it changes our behaviour. Watch the entire water cycle take place in a jar, learn how to clean an oil spill, make planets out of clay, and more!
Small Box - $40
Large Box - $80
Size selection available in cart.
Ships in 2-3 weeks.
Living Things
Explore characteristics of animals and plants, and learn about life cycles. Germinate seeds, learn how energy travels in the food chain, create a creature that adapted to its environment, and more!
Small Box - $40
Large Box - $80
Size selection available in cart.
Ships in 2-3 weeks.

Grade 4 - Grade 6
Explore states of matter, and learn about solutions and mixtures. Watch the reactions, learn how different devices separate mixtures, explore the pH of different solutions, and more!
Small Box - $40
Large Box - $80
Size selection available in cart.
Ships in 2-3 weeks.
Forces & Energy
Explore different forces, and learn all about motion and movement. Build simple and complex machines, learn how to protect and egg falling from the sky, watch your helicopter fly, and more!
Small Box - $40
Large Box - $80
Size selection available in cart.
Ships in 2-3 weeks.
Earth & Space
Explore components of our galaxy, and learn about different materials on Earth. Grow your own geodes, learn how different animals respond to changes in the seasons, make constellations that glow, and more!
Small Box - $40
Large Box - $80
Size selection available in cart.
Ships in 2-3 weeks.
Living Things
Explore the systems in the human body, and learn how humans and animals use their senses. Watch how light impacts plant growth, learn how turtles naviagte, make a model of your spine, and more!
Small Box - $40
Large Box - $80
Size selection available in cart.
Ships in 2-3 weeks.
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